
1st edition of "Investments in Eastern Poland" Forum on the 25th March in the Congress Centre of Targi Kielce

23 march 2011
Investment attractiveness of the region as the subject for the debate of specialists, scientists and the representatives of authorities

The inaugural presentation will be delivered by professor Grzegorz Kołodko

How to attract investors? How to persuade them that Eastern Poland is a good place to locate their business? The first edition of The forum "Investments in Eastern Poland " held in Targi Kielce will attempt to find the answers to these questions.

The meeting of local authorities, scientists, specialists and investors provides a platform for discussions on the ways and methods to increase the attractiveness of the region and develop its economic potentials. The list of the guest who have been invited to take part in the forum are the rectors of Universities, representatives of municipalities, Marshals’ and Voivodeships Offices, Offices and Centres for Investor Services, representatives of embassies, Economic and Trade Chamber as well as investors.

The Forum participant will take part in the discussion panels on legal regulations, infrastructure investments, the plans to increase intensification of the investors acquisition processes in Eastern Poland voivodeships which are referred to as Poland “B”. The subject matter of the forum will be a starting point to open the dialogue between the representatives of the regional bodies which create the climate for investments.

The inaugural presentation of the Forum on “The Conditions and Perspectives of the Development of Polish Economy” will be delivered by professor Grzegorz Kołodko, and the conference moderator will be the chief executive of The Warsaw Voice - Andrzej Jonas.

The Forum organiser is Grono Targowe Kielce (Commercial Chamber Kielce Fair Bunch) in cooperation with the Business Centre Club, and the Forum Operator is Targi Kielce.

The Forum is in line with the activities associated with the Grono Targowe Kielce (Commercial Chamber Kielce Fair Bunch) project: “Economic and Investment Promotion of Świętokrzyskie Region Based on Kielce Trade Fair”, realised in the Regional Operational Programme od Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship for the years 2007 – 2013 Measure 2.3 Economic and tourist promotion of the region.