
1st Inaugural Nordic Walking Race at REHMED-EXPO fair

30 march 2011
The Federation of Sport and Rehabilitation START invites to join in

The Federation of Sport and Rehabilitation “START” is the organiser of numerous sport events addressed at the disabled

On the first day of the fair, just after the V Distance Integration Street Run has finished, the first Nordic Walking race in the Targi Kielce history will commence.

The contestants will be covering the same route of about 800 metres as the runners of Street Run. The race is open for an unlimited number of contestants – regardless their age and physical condition.

The winners will be presented with the Fair Cup of REHMED-EXPO, the first ten of runners-up will be given the certificate to commemorate the event. All the participants will be served with a bowl of the mouth-watering pea- soup.

The distribution of the race registration numbers starts at 12.20 at the exhibition stand of “START”.