
A breakthrough discovery of Australian scientists - they "turned" plastic into a material harder than diamond

23 august 2024
Australian researchers team has announced that they have made a material harder than diamonds. Something as seemingly trivial -i.e. plastic bottles is the input

A unique technology developed by scientists from Australia is the key to the success;  the scientists managed to transform plastic waste, such as PET bottles, into structures of unprecedented strength. The process involves plastic at processing the atomic level, changing its internal structure in ways previously thought to be impossible.

Australian scientists have used advanced chemical methods, including high pressure and temperature, to rearrange carbon atoms in plastic to create a new form of material which is much harder than diamond. Moreover, this material also remains extremely light, which makes it even more unique and its potential applications are far-reaching. The material, harder than diamond, could find its place in technology, in producing extremely durable tools, in electronics -  wherever the search for new, durable materials is key to development. The new material could also revolutionise the aviation and space industries, where every gram of weight and strength is of great importance.

Moreover, the process of creating this material is environmentally friendly  as it uses plastic waste, which is one of the most significant environmental challenges of our time, to produce super-strong materials. The process  could be a significant step in the fight against pollution of the planet.

This discovery opens up new possibilities in materials science and takes recycling to a completely new level. Plastic bottles can now become a valuable raw material that will be used to produce cutting-edge materials in the future.

Although Australian scientists may still face many challenges before the new material can be mass-produced, there is already talk of enormous potential for this discovery. Turning plastic into something durable and valuable i.e. into a new material could be one of the biggest steps towards sustainability and technological innovation.

If the research confirms its initial assumptions, the discovery could not only revolutionise the industry but also influence approaches to waste and recycling, opening a new chapter in the fight against environmental pollution. Recycling, including chemical recycling, is discussed during the Plastpol expo -  topics related to segregation and recycling of plastic are a part of the 29th expo - 20 to 23 May 2025 in Targi Kielce.    

Edited by:  /MŚ/

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