
Adrian Furgalski on road engineering sore points

24 may 2013
AUTOSTRADA-POLSKA – the venue for a heated debate

The debate brought together outstanding specialists. In the photograph (from the left) Artur Kawaler, Adrian Furgalski, Bogusław Kowalski

The problem of finance acquisition for new road investments is still of interest not only for state government institutions but also for local governments. The latter have to bear the load on new road investment without appropriate financial support. As for now the PPP (Public Private Partnership) formula has only been used for motorway projects. Can this model be used as a tool for road infrastructure investments made by local governments? What will be the significance of PPP for local governments in the light of the new EU financial perspective for the years 2014 – 2020? What other financial resources, in addition to the EU subsidies are available as support for local, commune and county road investments?

These were the questions addressed by the specialists invited to take pert in the debate held in Targi Kielce and organised by TOR – the Transport Consulting Group and the rynekinfrastruktury.pl.

The debate brought together, inter alia Adrian Furgalski and Bogusław Kowalski of TCC TOR, Artur Kawaler; Deputy Director for National Economics in the Ministry of Finance, Jacek Morzy; Deputy Mayor of Gołdap and Józef Swaczyn; Strzelce Starost.

Adrian Furgalski was asked to describe his impressions after the first day of the Targi Kielce’s expo: First of all I need to say that this kind of exhibition is a most wanted event, regardless the market condition. I am truly impressed with how the event is organised as well as with the centre’s infrastructure and exhibitors’ offers put on display. As far as the debate is concerned, I would like to see decision makers attend the discussion; representatives of financial institutions would have the chance to become familiar with the opinions aired by contracting companies. We should not shy away from a discussion – most difficult discussion may produce good results.