
AgroPogoda (AgroWeather) - the new portal of MeteoGroup launched during the AGROTECH fair

09 march 2011
The unique weather portal providing detailed weather information for farmers will be presented to all the fair visitors

AgroPogoda is a new weather forecast addressed for farmers

MeteoGroup, the leading European meteorology services provider is about to launch a new internet portal. AgroPogoda is the service which reflects the needs of the agricultural sector. The launch of the new service will take place during the AGROTECH fair held in Kielce from 11th to 13th April 2011. This unique service enables farmers to use precise weather forecasts in their everyday work; the forecasts are prepared for specific regions and take the specificity of farm production into consideration.

Reliable weather information is of key importance for the agricultural sector which entirely depends on the weather conditions. AgroPogoda is the combination of the information diversity and simplicity of use.

MeteoGroup provides precise weather forecast and also models the weather influence on very specific aspects of agricultural business such as seed germination time, most convenient time for hay drying or the temperature of soil. The agro-meteorological applications have been designed as a practical tool which facilitates planning of farming works.

Country Manager of MeteoGroup Polska - Monika Muchin says; “AgroPogoda bases on the model which has been successfully implemented by MeteoGroup in other European countries. We are very happy to offer our portal for Polish farmers. The portal is a very advanced tool, unique on Polish market which is the answer to the farmers’ needs. Accurate weather forecast helps organise work and minimise expenses; for example a farmer can decide about the most appropriate time for spraying.

All the information about the service will be available at the MeteoGroup exhibition stand during the AGROTECH fair – Hall H stand number H18 and also at the official website of the portal www.agropogoda.meteogroup.pl