”The Winter Songs” Album was a platinum selling record on the day of its market launch

Andrzej Piaseczny in concert today

13 december 2013
Your last chance to get a ticket
The very special Christmas time requires a special music setting; thus this evening, although right in the midst of winter time, will be full of hot compositions.

Andrzej Piaseczny will be your guide to the charm of Christmas. Piaseczny promotes his new record in the concert. “The Winter Songs” is a unique album – not only has it been created in collaboration with Poland’s best composer Seweryn Krajewski, but it also revives all the attributes and features of thi verys special time of the year.

90 PLN tickets are available in Targi Kielce and Korona Shopping mall’s Korona Kielce football fans’ shop – there only 19 seats in the auditorium left.