The "Polish Roads XXI" Awards are the prestigious distinction which have been awarded for 14 years

Award winners of the Polish Roads XXI accolades announcedPoznaliśmy laureatów Nagród Polskie Drogi XXI

14 june 2014
Statuetki wręczyli Prezes Zarządu Wydawnictwa "Polskie Drogi" Liliana Chołuj, Prezydent OIGD Adam Kulikowski, prezes zarządu OIGD Barbara Dzieciuchowicz oraz prof. Leszek Rafalski, Dyrektor Naczelny IBDiM

Already the fourteenth time the editors of the "Polish Roads" monthly in conjunction with the Road and Bridge Research Institute and the Chamber of Commerce of Road Construction Industry awarded the prestigious "Polish Roads XXI" accolade. The statuettes and diplomas were bestowed during the opening ceremony of the road construction expo held in Targi Kielce.

The awards were presented in the four categories: in the company category
- Paving Services Company ADROG - for renovation of the Old Town, Piwna and Szeroki Dunaj Streets surface in Warsaw. In the "solution designed to improve road safety" category the committee has presented the distinction to the APM Konior Piwowarczyk Konior company - for multimodal traffic management systems. In the "road administration" category the statuette was presented to the City of Torun - for the new bridge over the Vistula River. Professor Jan Biliszczuk has been pronounced the personality of the road industry 2014. John Biliszczuk's professional achievements in making
Polish bridge engineering famous in the world were thus recognised.

The "Polish Roads XXI" statuettes founder was the Chamber of Commerce of Road Construction Industry.