
Bad body posture diagnostics at the REHMED-PLUS trade fair

27 march 2012
All trade fair guests offered free examination

Highly precise examination as the basis for the right diagnosis

We complain about pains in our back, spine fatigue, children’s incorrect body posture and exhaustion after a long standing or walking period. It is worth checking whether our ailments have some medical basis – the faster we learn the diagnosis the sooner we can start treatment and in turn start to feel better. The REHMED-PLUS trade fair offer a unique chance – all the trade fair guests will be given the possibility to have a free-of-charge computer examination of their body posture and feet.

The diagnostic procedure will be run by the “KOORDYNACJA” company from z Kowala k. Radomia. A non-invasive computer test is based on photogrametry with no need for X-rays, thus it is safe for the patient.

A special computer camera takes “a picture” of the patient’s silhouette. All body posture abnormalities are assessed with 2-3 mm precision – the dimension a human eye is unable to perceive. A test result is of a great and invaluable help for the doctor since children can be referred to corrective gymnastic exercises and adult to rehabilitation procedures.

A traditional method is based on the doctor’s visual assessment of the abnormality. Should any doubts arise the doctor using this technique will refer the patient for an X-ray scan which, as we all know is not fully beneficial to the patient.

All trade fair guests who decide to take part in the examination will be presented with the result printout which will present the body posture and their feet alongside with precise calculation of body posture asymmetries. The test results will be commented upon and supplemented with a sugestin regarding further medical procedures.

The free-of-charge examination is held under the auspices of Academic Medical Centre of the Health Science Department at Radom Higher Education Institution.

For more information on the examination go to the www.KOORDYNACJA.com.pl website.