
British expert and the first digital school book

17 march 2011
The record-breaking EDUKACJA fair in w Kielce

This year’s fair of EDUKACJA is a record-breaking exhibition with respect to the number of exhibitors and the exhibition space elased

Source: www.rynek-ksiazki.pl

On Wednesday, March 16th the 16th Education Fair EDUKACJA in Kielce was opened. The exhibition will be held until Friday, 18th March. The fair is the greatest review of school books, training accessories as well as the presentation of the educational offer of schools of all education levels and universities. The fair is addressed at the young people of Swietokrzyskie region.

- The 16th fair of EDUKACJA is a record-breaking event. When compared to the last year’s edition, the exhibition space leased increased by 20% and the number of exhibitors increased by 50 – said Bożena Staniak (see the picture), Deputy President of Targi Kielce, during the opening ceremony. – Our exhibition attracts constant attention of pupils, self government representatives, school masters, teachers and pedagogues who attend the fair in thousands. In 2010 the EDUKACJA fair was attended by almost 11 thousand visitors. We expect that the event will generate similar interest this year. There is a simple reason behind it – this is the fair where you can become acquainted with all the latest trends in education and upbringing. The EDUKACJA fair is much more than the presentation of school books, students’ text books and books for teachers – it is a great chance to learn about educational and training offers, knowledge and skill acquisition in a broad sense. Kielce fair of EDUKACJA showcases all kinds of school books for all education levels, comprehensive educational centres equipment and furnishings and the educational offer of secondary schools and universities from all over Poland – adds Bożena Staniak.

The opening ceremony was attended by the representatives of Kielce universities and higher educational facilities –prof. Stanisław Adamczak, rector of Świętokrzyski University of Technology, prof. Janusz Król, deputy dector of Jan Kochanowski Unibersity, and Alina Sarnecka from the Ministry of National Education and Piotr Dobrołęcki - the chairman of the EDUKACJA Fair Programme Board. Mr. Dobrołęcki proudly said that the authorities of Kielce support educational centres and bookshops by offering them preferential lease rents at the premises owned by the municipality. Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship Marshal Adam Jarubas declared the fair open.

This year’s edition of Edulacja has brought together 213 exhibitors (last year there were 163) who have leased 2.551 square metres of the exhibition space (last year – 2.166 square metres.).

The organisers declare that Edukacja fair is the only event of this kind in Poland where the largest publishing houses are present, and among them Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, Nowej Ery, Mac Edukacja, Langenscheidt Polska, LektorKlett, Res Polona, Zamkor or Oficyna Edukacyjna Krzysztof Pazdro.

80 events have been planned to accompany the exhibition, and among them conferences, workshops, all types of presentations and other activities. The most prominent of these events is the National Head Teachers' Forum. This year’s forum is held under the banner of “From the chalk blackboard towards the interactive board i.e. Polish school between traditions and modernity”. Almost 500 participants partake in the forum; they represent the managerial staff of Polish schools. The forum will also be attended by the study tour participants – the representatives of educational institutions from the EU Member States who have been invited by Świętokrzyskie Superintendent’s Office. Other important events of the fair are: the School Superintendents' Forum attended by the Superintendents from all over Poland and the Forum of Kindergarten and Early School Education held under the banner of “Early education tailor made for each individual child”. Kindergarten teachers and head teachers, early school education teachers as well as the school day care room teachers, school supervisors and methodology advisers participate in the event

The first day of the Edukacja fair has been marked with a very important event. It was the presentation of the British educational expert Colin Rose, the special guest of the exhibition. Another important event was the Nowa Era publishing presentation of the “Multibook”, the first digital school book accepted by the National Ministry of Education. Anna Karniej the publishing house CEO and Łukasz Miska the marketing manager informed, that the book has already been tested in the school year of 2010/2011 and will be introduced to schools in September this year.

The programme of events for the second day of the fair, Thursday starts with the presentation of Joanna Hetman, the lawyer from the Patrimonium lawyer’s office; the presentation will outline the legal possibilities of debt recovery from the library users who have been fined for delayed return of the books.

In the afternoon in the building of Voivodeship Public Library the students of library studies department will have the chance to take part in the meeting with Rafał Skąpski, the President of Polish Association of Book Publishers and the CEO of the National Publishing House. The cultural policy of the state and its importance will be discussed in the meeting. In the evening the fair gala will be held; traditional awards for the exhibitors will be presented then. The fair contest with 15 prizes to distribute has gathered 65 contestants. The contest jury is presided by prof. Regina Renz, the Rector of Jan Kochanowski Uniwersity.

During the gala evening the Kallimach’s literary awards will be presented for the third time this year. This distinction is awarder by „Magazyn Literacki KSIĄŻKI” magazine and Targi Kielce.