
Brokerage meetings at the KIDS’ TIME trade fair

15 february 2012
For toy, mother & child product distributors, manufacturers, and trades

Staropolska Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa

The Enterprise Europe Network operating at Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Kielce welcomes you to join the Brokerage Meetings held within the scope of the KIDS’ TIME trade fair which have been designed for companies representing the business sector of toys and mother & child products. The event is to take place on 3rd March 2012.

Brokerage meetings provide a very effective form of business contact establishment with potential partners. They are based on face-to-face meetings of two representatives of different companies. Bi-lateral talks are regarded one of the best ways in which to come into a long lasting and stable business cooperation.

The Enterprise Europe Network operating at Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Kielce arranges the meetings and selects partners for them based upon previously provided information in application forms.
Enterprise Europe Network is composed of 600 centres in 50 countries of the world; every year they provide their services to over 2 million companies.

Target Groups:
Toy and mother & child product distributors, manufacturers , and trades

Branch range:
• toys:
- mechanical
- electronic
- made of wood
- soft toys
• prams and push-chairs
• car seats for children
• blocks
• games
• computer games
• open air and indoor playgrounds
• care and hygiene articles
• early education
• feeding accessories
• cosmetics for pregnant women and young mothers
• modelling
• clothes and footwear for children,

The organiser provides:
The meeting venue for talks
Interpretation services
Selection of meeting partners
The organiser’s support before, during and after the meeting with regards to offer draw-up and meeting attendance
Brokerage meeting attendance costs – free of charge entry, the organisers also provides trade fair admission cardsgi.

Meeting venue:
1 ZAKŁADOWA street
KIDS’ TIME trade fair

Fill in the application form and send it to the Enterprise Europe Network Centre operating at Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Kielce via e-mail een@siph.com.pl or fax 41 368 02 78 before 10th February

If you are interested do not hesitate to contact us:

The Enterprise Europe Network Centre operating at Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Kielce tel. 41 368 02 78, e-mail:een@siph.com.pl. Information is provided by Mrs Sylwia Zieja and Mrs Martyna Durlej-Łakomiec.