The conferences held within the scope of EcoFamily Expo are important meeting platforms for business-insiders

Call in the EcoFamily’s official partner’s exhibition stand

01 december 2013
Ekogwarancja – an attraction galore for visitors and a business-sector conference

This year’s official EcoFamily Expo partner is the PTRE Ekogwarancja (Eco-guarantee) certifying body; Ekogwarancja celebrates its twentieth anniversary at the EcoFamily fair. Ekogwarancja is Poland’s oldest and most important certifying body for ecological farming Farmers who deal in ecological food production will have a chance to join interesting, business sector conferences.

The second day of the expo features the Eco-guarantee’s conferences targeted at eco-farmers. These are indispensable sources of knowledge on eco-farm food processing as well as about putting ecological food produce on the market. Representatives of Poland’s leading eco-food processing bodies have confirmed that they would deliver their presentations at the conference.

Ekogwarancja is also synonymous with a flamboyant, attractive and … a truly tasty exhibition stand which has generated an avid interest among eco-farmers and food-processing entrepreneurs. The companies certified by Eco-guarantee put on display juices, cured meats, fruit and vegetables at the exhibition stand. Roasted beef is a real bliss for your eyes and your palate.