CALVARIANUM – dom pięknych i ekologicznych trumien oraz urn.

CALVARIANUM – home for beautiful and ecological coffins and urns

27 may 2024
A manufacturer of unique urns and coffins from Kalwaria Zebrzydowska will present its products offer made from laboratory-tested raw materials at the 10th International Fair of the Funeral and Cemetery Industry. Get a free ticket to the event and find out the details during NECROEXPO

The CALVARIANUM company has been on the market for over 45 years, but the idea for the production of unique ecological coffins and urns was created in 2017. The NECROEXPO exhibitor's products are entirely manufactured in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, and the production technology is based on recycled materials.  CALVARIANUM cooperates with the renowned Łukasiewicz Research Institute, where it tests its products in the laboratory, striving to offer the highest quality.

Material innovations

RFGB - the material made from post-production elements- a completely new approach in the funeral industry, traditionally dominated by wooden products. The use of this material in the coffins and urns production not only reduces the amount of waste, but also minimises the negative impact on the environment, which is an inherent element of traditional production processes based on cutting down trees.

Calvarianum offers RFGB products - an alternative that is both ecological and technologically advanced, which requires society to be open to new solutions. Striving to change social perception as to what is appropriate and dignified for the farewell of loved ones becomes crucial here.

This revolution shows that the funeral sector can contribute to environmental protection by using sustainable production methods.  Bringing RFGB coffins into the mainstream requires education and the promotion of their ecological and long-term benefits. The use of RFGB also enables the exploration of new forms and aesthetics in the design of coffins and urns, which may attract new segments of customers looking for unique, personalised solutions for saying goodbye to their loved ones.

The 10th International Funeral and Cemetery Fair NECROEXPO - is held from 7 to 9 June 2024 in Targi Kielce.


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