
Car roll-over simulation

12 november 2012
VOLVO V-50 simulators at the MOTO-HOBBY exhibition

The car upend simulator VOLVO V-50

Polskie Stowarzyszenie Motorowe (Polish Automotive Association) will be joining the MOTO-HOBBY show to showcase, inter alia, its car roll-over simulator VOLVO V-50. The simulator looks just like a real car, however it has been mounted on a special appliance which makes it possible to roll the car body over at the 180 angle – s you can f see how it feels to up-end in a car.

“The main idea is to make people realise how it feels to upend in a car, how emotional an experience it can be – says Norbert Szwartz of Polish Automotive Association. – It makes us conclude that this is by no means an easy and safe experience; this is a situation which poses a real threat to our health and even our life. Thus we want to influence drivers’ imagination ….”

This controlled car roll over is perfectly safe – the driver and the passengers are stripped in the car, the roof of the vehicle is not deformed and the whole procedure is controlled by the operator.

Of you want to be a part of this experience join us at the PZM’s exhibition stand (E-3) at the three days’ MOTO-HOBBY exhibition.