
Changes in the management of AMAFOND
During the 74th Ordinary Assembly of AMAFOND, took place the elections for the Executive Committee for the biennal 2020 -2021. By decision of the Committee, has been chosen as new president of the Association Mr. Riccardo Ferrario, thus replacing the former AMAFOND’s president – Maurizio Sala.
We wish to warm-heartily thank once more yet the previous president for the cooperation in the organization of International Fair of Technologies for Foundry METAL, the promotion of the potential of the Italian foundry industry in the arena of Central and Eastern. The numerous pro-business activities undertaken by Mr. Maurizio Sala have contributed to a great extent to build the position of the companies represented by the Association AMAFOND and of the trade fair METAL’s brand as well
To the new elected president of Italian Foundry Suppliers' Association AMAFOND – Mr Riccardo Ferrario, altogether with the deputy-presidents, Luca Casella (Director - Sipag Bisalta Spa) and Angelo Vezzuli (General Manager - EKW Italia Srl), Paolo Magaldi (deputy- CEO - Magaldi Power Spa) and Michele Pietribiasi (CEO - Euromac Srl) we do our best wishes of many successes, goals achievement and realization of plans aiming to a further development of the foundry industry
Here you can find the link to the speech of the former president Mr Sala, during the Ordinary Assembly