
CIT Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes workshops: New Reality means New Challenges

22 july 2024
The upcoming International Congress of Accounting Offices, held on 26 and 27 September 2024, offers its participants the opportunity to take part in specialised workshops hed under the banner of “CIT Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes New Reality means New Challenges” The workshop by Anna Strzelecka, an experienced partner at Crido, who boasts extensive experience in the field of taxes and accounting

It is dedicated to accountants and owners of accounting offices who want to learn more about the new regulations regarding the Standard Audit File for Corporate Income Tax (JPK CIT). The new regulations introduce several changes and challenges thus people responsible for accounting and tax settlements in companies must embrace.

Main issues discussed at the workshop:

  1. Introduction to Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes in CIT: :
    • Legal basis and purpose of CIT Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes introducing.
    • Who is obliged to submit Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes CIT and what are the deadlines.
  2. Structure and content of Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes - CIT: :
    • Overview of the structure of the CIT Standard Audit File.
    • What data must be included in the file.
    • Technical requirements for CIT Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes submission.
  3. New challenges and difficulties: :
    • Identification of the most common problems and mistakes CIT Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes.
    • How to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes.
  4. Practical aspects of CIT Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes implementation: :
    • Examples of practical solutions.
    • Tools and software supporting the process of creating and submitting CIT Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes.
    • The role of automation in the process of preparing CIT Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes.

Why is it worth joining the event?

Participation in the "CIT Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes" workshops: “New Reality and New Challenges” offerss a unique opportunity to update your knowledge, learn about new regulations and acquire practical skills to effectively manage obligations related to CIT Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes . The workshop offers its participants better preparation of their accounting offices for the upcoming changes and challenges.


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