The MAE 310/CNC bending machine is a perfect choice for industrial application

Classy plodder

12 february 2014
Novelties showcased at the STOM BLECH 2014

One of the latest machines put on display at this year's STOM BLECH is the MAE 310/CNC bending machine showcased by KOMO. The appliance has been provided with a graphic controller; the machine makes it possible to bend steel and aluminium sheets. The bending appliance is produced by SCHECHTL; the rigidity frame machine features a whole array of accessories available in a standard and special versions. This machine model is really impressive owing to its high capacity and robust construction. It is a perfect choice for any industry application.

The STOM BLECH expo is a perfect chance to become familiar with the latest machine models, cutting-edge solutions as well as complete and comprehensive offer of business sector companies displayed in one place and at the same time. This is the place to see the best brands and state-of-the-art appliances put on display in one place and at the same time.