The session will be held in one of the Targi Kielce’s new Congress Centre

Coaching in business? Certainly!

20 january 2014
The conference open for all. Only in Targi Kielce on 23rd January
Does business need coaching? How to change what cannot virtually be changed? How to alter the leader’s reputation? Can a manager be also a coach? Not only will participants of “Coaching for Business” conference be able to find the answers to the se questions, nut also to learn much more. The meeting is held by the Coaching Chamber’s Swietokrzyskie Division in conjunction with Targi Kielce. The meeting which is the inauguration of Coaching Chamber’s Swietokrzyskie Division is held in the Targi Kielce’s Congress Centre on 23rd January 2014.

The conference objective is to familiarise participants with coaching application possibilities; coaching is regarded a new, efficient method of management and executive staff support designed also to stimulate and enhance the company’s innovativeness and working teams’ efficiency.

The list of speaker includes the Coaching Chamber President – Agnieszka Kasprzycka, Małopolska Division of Coaching Chamber Director Michał Wolak as well as Swietokrzyskie Division Director– Dorota Nawrotek.

The inauguration on Swietokrzyskie Division provides a great chance to establish a cooperation platform for the business and coach milieus.

Coaching Chamber is an economic chamber which has 9 divisions all over Poland and associates companies which deal in coaching. The Chamber’s mission is to professionalize the profession of coach, dissemination of the best possible practices, observation of the code of ethics as well as implementation of the accreditation system for all coaching school that operate in Poland as well as for the whole coaching milieu.

This is an admission-free conference. Companies which wish to send their representatives are to e-mail: dorota.nawrotek@ic.org.pl or wasinska.u@targikielce.pl.

Detailed conference programme available here.