
Conference on the raw materials and steel industry held within the Ekotech Expo! Organiser: Scrap Economy Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Ekotech trade fair at Targi Kielce, April 9 - the agenda features the conference and discussion panel dedicated to the raw materials and steel industry. The main topic of the meeting was the metal recycling industry as a pillar of the Circular Economy. The meeting is also an opportunity to discuss the importance of the metal recycling sector in the context of EU environmental requirements. Market forecasts for the scrap and steel industry will also be presented at Ekotech, where the specialists will analyse development directions in the context of the European Union's climate policy. There will be ample issues related to new regulations on the cross-border movement of waste. The impact of regulatory changes on companies involved in recycling and international waste transport is also in the roster. The main topics also include the impact of regulations on the raw materials market – the expected consequences of legal changes for the Polish and European raw materials sector.
The conference speakers are recognised specialists who will share their knowledge and experience, and the panelists list includes:
- Agnieszka Rozmus-Rowińska – Country Director Poland & Lithuania, Gescrap Polska LLC
- Piotr Ślusarz – President of the Council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Scrap Economy, Sales and Production Director at Stena Recycling LLC,
- Doctor Joanna Dmowska – legal counsel, director of the legal department and internal audit at Stena Recycling LLC
- Tadeusz Rutkiewicz – owner of Kejort LLC
- Jacek Zielinski – Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Nicrometal SA
- Piotr Gluźniewicz – Vice President of Commercial Affairs at Huta Częstochowa LLC
Participation in the conference organised by the Scrap Economy Chamber of Industry and Commerce is an opportunity to gain practical knowledge about the future of the raw materials and steel market, establish valuable business contacts, and share experience with other industry representatives.
The meeting on 9 April 2025 (Wednesday), from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the speech Arena C5, expo hall no. 3 – EKOTECH in Targi Kielce
Participation in the debate is free, however prior registration is required:
Expo admission - free of charge, prior registration required: