
Czech – Polish forum for defence industry cooperation

28 march 2012
Talks devoted to defence, cooperation, industry and military equipment

Czech – Polish forum for defence industry cooperation

At the initiative of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic Mr Jana Sechter, the National Trade Promotion Agency CzechTrade, Eugeniusz Kwatkowski Polish Industrial Lobby and Euro-Atlantic Association in Warsaw a Polish-Czech forum for defence industry cooperation is being held today

The meeting has been granted with the honorary patronage of the Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic Alexandr Vondra and Polish Minister of National Defence Tomasz Siemoniak. The meeting is attended by the ministers, representatives of both ministries as well as of the BUMAR S.A. Group and the Industrial Development Agency. The conference has been divided into a number of thematic blocks: Potentials for the Czech Republic and the Republic of Poland cooperation in technologies and defence industries; the 21st century equipment of soldiers’ and the land forces’; and Aviation industry and air defence.

The panel devoted to the army – industry relations and experiences will comprise the presentation of Mr Andrzej Mochoń, Targi Kielce President of Board.