
”Defender” award presentation

09 september 2010
Polish President’s award went to Wojskowe Zakłady Mechaniczne in Siemianowice Śląskie for the PKW ISAF Afghanistan variant of their medical evacuation vehicle
The prestigious Defender competition, in which the military present awards to entrepreneurs operating in the defence industry, attracted 41 companies exhibiting their achievements at MSPO, with 62 products being entered.

The awards were given by the Council of the Programme of the International Defence Industry Exhibition presided by Marcin Idzik, Undersecretary of State for Armament and Modernization at the Ministry of National Defence, in conjunction with the Competition Jury Panel.

The Jury short-listed three products for the Polish President’s award, which is given for products enhancing the security of soldiers of the Polish Armed Forces the most effectively. Finally, the President’s award went to Wojskowe Zakłady Mechaniczne S.A. in Siemianowice Śląskie in recognition of the PKW ISAF Afghanistan variant of their medical evacuation vehicle.

On behalf of President Bronisław Komorowski, the awards were presented by Stanisław Koziej, head of the National Security Bureau.

The Defender awards were officially given by Undersecretary of State for Armament and Modernization at the Ministry of National Defence, Marcin Idzik. The ceremony also included awards of distinction offered by the Minister of National Defence, Minister of Interior and Administration, in addition to the award of the Minister of Economy, which was presented by Vice-Minister of Economy, Dariusz Bogdan.

The award ceremony at MSPO and LOGISTYKA 2010