
Design Space Kielce stired the public interest

15 november 2011
The inaugural edition of Design Space – space for discussion has now finished

Specialists of design in Targi Kielce Congress Centre

Design has become a very popular topic as more people speak about it; now it is also present in Kielce. The design specialist came to Targi Kielce Congress Centre in order to discuss creative ways of shaping space around us. The meeting was also a perfect platform for mutual exchange of experience and innovative ideas regarding pattern creation. One of the main topics the Design Space addressed was the issue of education of new designers as well as the problem of space creation as the challenge set for designers and universities.

The conference was officially opened by Kielce Mayor Wojciech Lubawski. The conference was divided into thematic panels on space creation, creative areas and field work. The speakers of the first panel were professor Jan Nuckowski, professor Jerzy Porębski, professor Marek Jóźwicki and professor Wiesław Łuczaj. There were also representations of design and industrial pattern departments of higher education institutions from all over Poland- Warsaw, Gdańsk, Krakow, Łódź, Katowice, Poznań and Wrocławia. In addition to university representatives from Poland the Design Conference also brought together a number of foreign guests. The dabate on the future of Kielce was attended by Czesława Frejlich – editor in chief of 2plus3D, Ake Rudolf - DMY Festival Berlin, Hans Maier Aichen - German Design Council, Professor of Saint Martins College of Art & Design in London and Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung in Karlsruhe, Zuzanna Skalska - Senior Consultant Trend Research VanBerlo, Eindhoven, Małgorzata Szczepańska - editor in chief of Elle Decoration, Ewa Trzcionka - Design Alive.

The organiser of Design Space is the City of Kielce and Design Space Kielce, the event co-organisers are Targi Kielce and Kielce Technology Park. The event has been granted with the Honorary patronage of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The conference created the chance to bring together a group of specialists who are professionally deal in design; an opportunity to speak about the present-day problems, the experience gathered until now, the ideas on how to create design. The meeting held in Targi Kielce Congress Centre primarily focused on education in order to highlight the needs and tasks set for Polish designers and design.