
Display of tuned cars at the MOTO-HOBBY

26 october 2012
The rally open for everybody; the season conclusion

A real treat for all tuned-car aficionados

This is Targi Kielce’s invitation for an open rally of tuned cars which is to be held from 16th to 18th November 2012 as a part of the Exhibition of Vehicles and Motoring Equipment MOTO-HOBBY.

The get-together is a chance to show-off you tuned car – be it visual, mechanical or audio.

Special packages for participants are highly recommended, as well as numerous attractions we have prepared for this special event. Application forms to be filled out and send via: http://vag-kielce.pl/motohobby/booking.php

The rally has been prepared in conjunction with the Volkswagen Audi Group VAG-KIELCE association.

In addition to the latest vehicle models presentation, the MOTO-HOBBY exhibition will also encompass the finals of the national car tuning tournament - the North-South War; with over fifty cars ranked at the top of the lists of this year’s qualifying rounds.