The free-of-charge cytology tests are offered within the scope of the Popularisation Programme for Prophylaxis and Early Detection of Cervix Cancer

Do not wait - get medical screening

13 june 2014
The REHMED-PLUS offers free-of-charge cytology tests

Cytology is a micro-scoping examination of cells extracted with the use of a special brush from the neck of the womb. Thus even the sligtest anomalies in the cervical area cane be discovered. Thus it is crucial to undergo regualr screening tests. In the early stage of development, this kind of carcinoma is curable.

Every year as many as 3,500 Polish women learn that they suffer from cervix cancer, every other woman dies beacuse they contact their doctor too late. A substantial part of this group has never done any tests. The Fair of Rehabilitation, Therapy & Care is a great opportunity to take care of your health and make use of free medical tests.

At the REHMED-PLUS, free-of-charge cytology will be available for ladies age 25-59. Cytology and mammography mobile laboratory will be open on 3rd and 4th April from 10.00 to 17.00 and on 5th April from 10.00 to 15.00.