
Dziennik Gazeta Prawna [Legal Daily] offers its auspices for the International Congress of Accounting Offices

17 june 2024
22 and 23 September is when Targi Kielce will host the International Congress of Accounting Offices, one of Poland's most important events in the accounting and financial industry. We are happy to announce that Dziennik Gazeta Prawna has granted its patronage to the Congress, which proves the importance and rank of this event

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna's auspices over the International Congress of Accounting Offices emphasise the importance that the editorial office attaches to supporting educational and development initiatives in finance and accounting. Dziennik Gazeta Prawna has been a leading source of information for entrepreneurs, accountants and lawyers for years, providing reliable analyses, legal comments and news in the field of economy and finance.

The Congress offers a unique opportunity to exchange experiences, establish new business contacts, and learn about the accounting sector's latest trends and legal changes. The participants will be able to listen to lectures by outstanding experts from Poland and abroad and participate in discussion panels and thematic workshops. The agenda also includes networking sessions that will enable cooperation with other industry professionals.

The Congress will also include an exhibition where leading companies representing the financial technology sector, accounting software and institutions supporting accounting offices’ daily business will present their products and services. The expo is an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest solutions that can support the daily work of accountants and increase the efficiency of accounting offices.

The International Congress of Accounting Offices will certainly attract a wide range of specialists and entrepreneurs from all over Poland and abroad. The Dziennik Gazeta Prawna patronage guarantees a high substantive and organizational level for Congress. The has become a permanent fixture in calendar of the most important industry events in Poland.

We cordially invite to join the Congress and follow the coverage of the event in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. This event is a unique opportunity to stay up to date with the latest trends and changes in the accounting field and expand your knowledge and professional competences.