
“Eastern Poland develops faster than the rest of the country”

28 march 2011
1st edition of "Investments in Eastern Poland" forum brought together over 200 participants from all over the country

Specialists, investors and the representatives of the domain of science discussed the investment attractiveness of Eastern Poland

On 25th March there 1st edition of "Investments in Eastern Poland” forum was held in Targi Kielce Conference Centre and was organised by Grono Targowe Kielce (Commercial Chamber Kielce Fair Bunch) and the Business Centre Club in cooperation and strong support of Targi Kielce

The meeting brought together almost 200 guests. The self-government representatives and officers, representatives of companies, enterprises and institutions from Eastern Poland came to Kielce. The investment attractiveness of the region and the tools used to increase this attractiveness were discussed during the forum. The advantages of Eastern Poland Voivodeships were also presented.

The inaugural presentation of the Forum devoted to the conditions and perspectives of the development of Polish economy was delivered by delivered by professor Grzegorz Kołodko, the honorary guest of the conference. The presentation generated a great interest among the forum participants and in the discussion session the paper turned out to be the basis for a very interesting dialogue between the speaker and the forum participants.

“The investment retardation may be a chance for the regions like Świętokrzyskie. However, the conclusions must be drawn from this situation” – this statement of the Professor received a shower of applause from the listeners.

“Despite the grumbling about the state of the roads, however right they are, the infrastructure is being improved. We also have the educated staff here, the people who understand the need for the region to catch up with the parts of our country which are more well off. And in many respect Eastern Poland develops much faster than other parts of the country” – Professor Kołodko continued – “What comes as a surprise, this retardation may also be perceived a positive aspect. I expect that in time the profit, which is normally expressed in money value, will also refer to the birds’ song and the green grass. And the highly developed countries have already experienced this lack”. The former deputy prime minister concluded the state of Eastern Poland.

The speakers often referred to some other assets of “Poland B”; a very good political and geographical location, string human resource backup, a very good climate for investing. “ Poland B has got its advantages, clean environment and ambition as well as the hard working citizens. This is the capital which must not be wasted. I believe that we will not duplicate the pattern of the poorer regions in Italy and Spain which were unable to use the chance for equal life standards. I have already noticed that we are going a different way” – said Wojciech Warski; the chairman of the Business Centre Club Convent.

The Marshal of Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship Adam Jarubas exhorted the listeners to focus on what distinguishes among other regions. –“Let us seek the areas in which we will be competitive”.

And during the discussion panels the speakers were talking about the state in the infrastructure in Eastern Poland, the barriers which blosk the way to full cooperation between the investors and the world of science, telecommunication solutions seen as the prerequisite for the economy which functions properly, IT systems which can enhance companies and institutions in their activity and open the investment relations between particular business sectors.

During the meeting the Centres and Offices for Investors Support, business support institutions and enterprises and Special Economy Zones from Eastern Poland presented their offer on a few dozens of exhibition stands. The meeting of diverse economic environment representatives created an excellent chance to establish business-investor relations and became the platform for experience and information exchange.

The next edition of the “Investments in Eastern Poland" forum has been scheduled on 14th October 2011.

The Forum “Investments in Eastern Poland" was organiser in the frame of the project: “Economic and Investment Promotion of Świętokrzyskie Region Based on Kielce Trade Fair”, realised in the Regional Operational Programme od Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship for the years 2007 – 2013 Measure 2.3 Economic and tourist promotion of the region. The project is run by Grono Targowe Kielce (Commercial Chamber Kielce Fair Bunch).