
EDUKACJA – the discussion place about children’s right, their future and safety

30 march 2012
The Ombudsman for Children Marek Michalak and Michał Rusinek, Wisława Szymborska’s secretary had their conference presentations

The conference commenced with the lecture delivered by Marek Michalak the Ombudsman for Children

The Ombudsman for Children Marek Michalak in his conference presentation spoke about the child’s right for respect. “The world of values culture is based upon. Janusz Korczak’s pedagogy as the challenge and inspiration for contemporary teachers” conference was organised by the Regional Superintendent Office in Kielce and the Grupa Edukacyjna S.A. in the framework of the Year of Janusz Koraczak.

“Human rights start with children’s rights – childhood is the only way which leads to adulthood. And on this way we gather experiences and learn how to be responsible, we also acquire certain values – said minister Michalak – this is the most important way for each and everyone of us; we must remember that we need to use this way to teach children respect and let them follow the way duly”.

The minister also highlighted the fact that respect needs to be demonstrated to a child – Let us not refuse the child their right for fear, lack of knowledge, tears, questions, right to learn or doubt.

“We must remember that legal regulations and paragraphs will not do the job for us. In addition to our sense we need to have sensibility. Only then can we be sure that whatever we offer our children will be paid back on us in the future. We will be given back the good, love and respect”.

The talk held under the banner of “A words is quite a good toy” turned out to be an outstanding word-game. That was a conversation between Michał Rusinek, the secretary of the Games First Lady Wisłąwa Szymborska and Marek Mikos, TVP Kielce Director; it focused on salon, memo technical and pure-nonsense kinds of education. The Sevretary encouraged adults to play words with children. Both gentlemen hold that word creation is a wonderful pastime, because … “kids get bored when there’s rainy Michał Rusinek reminded the Noble Prize winner playing with words and literary genres – limericks, lepieje (Polish one or two-verse nonsense and grotesque poems) or moskaliki (mock poems), and quoted the most funny ones. The public was very amused and willing to actively participate They played the Green Dead Body game – the rule is to remove selected words from a given text, for example all the adjectives and to replace them with the words taken at random – this time the words were prompted by the audience. Hacing completed the text we discovered a brand new and hilarious passage of prose.