ENEX - this is much more than the offer put on display at the exhibition stand; the event also encompasses numerous conferences and business sector meetings

ENEX enjoys the business sector's substantive support

13 june 2014
You are most welcome to join the Swietokrzyskie Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre's meeting

The Partner Search FORUM is organised by Swietokrzyskie Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre as a part of the ENEX expo - the FORUM includes a whole array of interesting, business-sector meetings. Join the specialised meetings and conferences held daily; the sessions will be chaired by acknowledged experts who boast many-year, practical experience as well as thorough knowledge of the subject.

18.03.2014 The business-sector meeting on
„Energy Efficient Constructions - realities and development directions”

    Sustainable engineering - basic principles;
    Legal, economic and ecological aspects of energy efficient engineering;
    Benefits of investments into energy efficient civil engineering;
    Guidelines for energy efficient building;
    Development directions of Polish and European Union's civil engineering;

19.02.2014 The Conference on
„Energy efficiency road-map for Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship until 2050”

    Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship's sustainable energy development as RSI horizontal specialisation until 2030.
    The Conference on Energy efficiency road-map for Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship - energy development scenarios based on prosumer energy generation.
    Biogas plants in Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship - development potentials in the 2030 perspective.
    A low-emission road-map for Poland until 2050; new job openings creation possibilities as a part of environment-focused business activities.
    The regional-level financial support for RES and EWE within the scope of the Swietokrszyskie Voivodeship Regional Operational Programme for the years 2014 - 2020.

20.03.2014 the business sector meeting on
„White certificates mechanism and energy efficiency”

    White Certificates mechanism - White Certificates acquisition and redemption procedures;
    The Energy Regulatory Office tendering procedures and documentation;
    Types of energy-efficient measures;
    Energy efficiency audits - preparation rules;
    A recapitulation of the 1st and 2nd tender for energy efficiency tender;
    Practical advice;

We are looking forward to seeing you!