
EU funds for communal for public utilities

11 august 2011
TIWS on current support sources

The conference which accompanies the TIWS fair

On 21st September 2011, during the 4th International Fair of Water and Sewage Infrastructure, Drainage and Land Reclamation TIWS, a&nbps;conference devoted to the problems of investments in water supply and sewage management sector as well as other undertakings in the public utility sector and financial support sources will beheld in Kielce.

Targi Kielce is the place where the meeting is held; and in this meeting one can obtain information, knowledge and materials on the possibilities of financing the investments in public utility services. The operational programme Infrastructure and Environment, Rural Area Development Programme as well as new financial possibilities of Norway Grants and Brussels Grants will be discussed and made familiar to the conference participants.

The conference will also feature the subjects of water supply and waste management project realisation, investment finances for communal waste management; and transport, segregation, recycling and land-fill construction in particular.

The local governments which do not have a&nbps;modern and ecological waste incineration plant will have the chance to take part in the discussion on the financial possibilities for construction such a&nbps;utility. They will be presented with the examples of good practices and most interesting investments of this kind which have already been completed.

The companies which are interested in participation in the conference are invited to become familiar with the detailed conference programme.