
Euro with Bolek and Lolek – what’s new at the KIDS TIME

03 march 2012
Iconic Characters for Generations, rainbow coloured cuddly toys, a football fan’s perambulator, - this is just a bunch of attractions put on display during the International Fair of Toys and Products for Mother and Child KIDS TIME

Cuddly toys La Millou in all colours of the rainbow

The Bebetto company will put on display its latest perambulators; Model Pascal is much more than a modern, light aluminium frame fitted with torsional front wheels; there is also the possibility of mounting a basinet, a stroller seat or a car seat interchangeably. This is also a real treat for parents who are also football fans’ in the pram limited version the pram hood is covered with a football-like hood.

La Millou has prepared an outstanding offer for our nearest and dearest. This is a new Polish brand; the company specialises in duvet, blanket, cuddly toys and bib production. All the product range is hand made and hand decorated; the products are available in all colours of the rainbow.

The Tisso Toys company has put on display the series of Iconic Characters for Generations. The little figurines represent the well known characters of Reksio, Bolek and Lolek, Misz Uszatek or the Wolf and the Hare. This is the first presentation of the toys ever; the toys are the fruit of a two-year preparation process. Owing to a close cooperation with licensers and fan clubs as well as to a thorough story-research the toys are mirror reflections of the original characters; they are made with attentiveness to even the smallest details ever since the first stage of the production process until the hand-made finish and final-touch decoration. The toys will get a special disguise for Euro 2012.

The exceptional series comprises Bolek and Lolek, Reksio and Rumcajs dressed in the national-colour attires, holding flags and whistles.

Come and see the exhibition!