
European Medal for the ENEX trade fair

08 november 2012
This is the Targi Kielce’s twelfth event awarded with the distinction for professional organisation which corresponds with European standards

For the business sector leaders the ENEX trade fair is the showcase of electric and electrical power equipment

The European Medal is awarded by the Business Centre Club in conjunction with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and under the honorary patronage of the European Economic and Social Committee; the institution which has its headquarters in Brussels.

The initiative’s objective is to distinguish and promote products and services offered by Poland-based companies as well as to stimulate the interest in European standards and European Union regulations. EU is a multi-million market which should be of interest for Polish entrepreneurs, consumers and business people.

The European Medal is awarded to the products and services which comply with European Standards. The Targi Kielce’s events have also been bestowed with this prestigious accolade: KIELCE SPORT LATO/ZIMA, EDUKACJA, STOM, AGROTECH, PLASTPOL, TRANSEXPO, SACROEXPO, METAL, MSPO and AUTOSTRADA-POLSKA.

This year’s list of laureates also includes The International Power Industry Fair ENEX, the event which has been held in Targi Kielce for sixteen years. Exhibitors come here to showcase power engineering machines and appliances, the latest technological and system developments, electric grid components, sun collectors, wood-fired heaters and boilers, heat exchangers and radiators, bio-mass fired boiler rooms as well as vehicles which run on bio-fuel. The business insiders and specialists come here to discuss the cutting-edge ecological technologies and renewable energy sources at the ENEX New Energy – the exhibition which accompanies the ENEX trade fair. The business range of these two events is a perfect complement for each other and complies with the requirements of today’s markets.

The ENEX trade fair is the discussion forum devoted to ecology, energy and waste treatment ; the 2012 three-day edition brought together 1,500 participants who attended over 20 meetings. This is why the organisers have prepared a whole array of meetings and training sessions to be held at the upcoming edition. The GLOBEnergia publishing house is the organiser of three major events: the 4th Heat Pump Forum “Technologies, Investment, the Market” will be of interest to its participants as the problems of heat pump technology, heating costs analyses as well as market novelties will be discussed here. The following day of the exhibition will be held under the banner of photovoltaic and the FORUM SOLAR+. Solar power plants is a hot topic which will generate an avid interest and attract numerous participants owing to the fact that the new Renewable Energy Source Act will be effective this year. This new regulation is associated with subsidies. A meeting with financial analysts and simulations of capital expenditures compared with projected incomes will recapitulate the day. The ENEX exhibition will be crowned with the Forum of Wind Energy; experts will be presenting business sector novelties and the questions of lease agreements of the lots dedicated for wind power plants.