Panel z Małgorzatą Węglarz podczas NECROEXPO.

"Everything you need to know before you die. the funeral industry’s secrets unveiled" - panel with Małgorzata Węglarz held within the scope of NECROEXPO

31 may 2024
The books author will share her experience. The writer will answer all questions about this type of work, i.e., the arrangement of farewell ceremonies. The panel will also discuss topics that are still considered forbidden and problematic for many Poles. The lecture is offered within the scope of Targi Kielce’s 10th International Fair of the Funeral and Cemetery Industry

Małgorzata Węglarz was born in Kędzierzyn-Koźle, where she finished primary and secondary school,  today she lives in Krakow and is a budding writer. The author claims that she has always been a bit different, standing aside from her peers, which turned out to be useful in her writing career.

The panel features the author’s talk about how to write about the funeral industry. The questions about her book "Everything you should know before you die. The funeral industry’s secrets" will also be discussed.

In Węglarz’s report, funeral companies’ employees talk about their daily work, as well as about the most difficult situations they have encountered. They engage in honest conversations with Małgorzata Węglarz  The publication contains answers to many questions - why Poles are afraid to plan their burial; what the Polish funeral industry looks like and why unethical behavior occurs there; what stereotypes do embalmers, thanatocosmetologists, people cleaning up after deaths, funeral home and crematorium workers encounter; what innovations the 21st century has brought to the funeral industry; what superstitions related to death were believed in Poland in the past and which are popular today, and what is the difference between a secular funeral and a ceremony presided by a priest, to mention a few.

When howrking on her book, the author talked to embalmers, undertakers, including the one nicknamed A Lady From The Funeral Home, masters of secular ceremonies, hospice employees, and a mourning companion.

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The panel offers the opportunity to purchase the book and talk to the author.

The 10th International Funeral and Cemetery Fair NECROEXPO - is held from 7 to 9 June 2024 in Targi Kielce.

Clik for your free ticket at: https://www.targikielce.pl/necr.../rejestracja-zwiedzajacych


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