
"Farmer Wants a Wife" team visits the Fruit and Vegetable Farming Expo in Kielce
Tomek Klimkowski participated in the Fair of Fruit and Vegetables for the first time. - I am mainly interested in machines for harvesting, but also in cultivators and sprayers. I noticed that there are many producers of agricultural chemicals here today - I would like to talk to their representatives to learn about plant protection, so that production is successful - said the participant of the TVP show.
According to Tomek Klimkowski, the fascination with agricultural machines is the domain of both small boys and adult men. – Technological progress in recent years has contributed a lot to the agricultural sector’s development. It's nice to follow this progress, and to make your dreams come true when buying machines - noted Tomek Klimkowski. - Many machines really help us with our daily tasks and save us a lot of time - he added.
In the opinion, and I am a young farmer, participation in events such as the Fruit and Vegetable Farming Expo and Agrotech is a valuable experience for business insiders.
I strongly recommend participation in the industry trade fairs, although I think that I do not have to persuade them - this is evidenced by the attendance at today's event, also at many other similar events - said Tomek Klimkowski.
Working in the agricultural sector can be demanding but also time-consuming. Farmer Wants a Wife - is this a great way for busy farmers to find a partner?
- The show is primarily an opportunity to find a partner who would also like to live in the countryside, because she simply likes the countryside - it can save us a few unsuccessful dates - say Tomek Klimkowski jokingly, encouraging all farmers to take part in the next edition of the show.
Applications for the "Farmer Wants a Wife" show can be made via the form available on the website There is lots of those interested.