
Festival of Religious Songs at SACROEXPO 2011

02 june 2011

SACROEXPO - Festiwal Piosenki Religijnej

For eleven years during the SACROEXPO fair, the most beautiful religious songs reverberate in Kielce Culture Centre. Young artists and composers present their achievements and the professional jury panel selects the competition winners. Over 700 participants from Kielce Diocese have been qualified for this year’s finals. The final concert will take place during the second day of the SACROEXPO fair, on 14th June at 4 p.m. in the main concert hall of Kielce Culture Centre.

The star of this year’s festival is Ewa Uryga, the accomplished vocalist and the Twoje Niebo (Your Heaven) music band from Przemyśl.

The website of the band is the internet service you must see: www.twojeniebo.pl.

THE RELIGIOUS SONG FESTIVAL – the endeavour initiated by Father Jerzy Ostrowski – the Director of the Ministerial Department at the Diocese Curia in Kielce, Father Stanisław Kiśmierczyk – the priest who works in the Cathedral Parish in Kielce and Mr Stanisław Jurkowski – a musician, sound engineer and the manager of the “Fema” and “The Stanley’s Band” music ensembles. The last mentioned is also the host of the festival.

The idea to hold the was put forward when “The Stanley’s Band” was created in the Academic Ministry Centre “Odnowa”, the group which works in the Cathedral Basilica and is supervised by Father Stanisław.

The band was responsible for song animation during the liturgy and other ministerial meetings. The band creation was the result of Father Stanislaw’s prior analysis which indicated the demand for this form of cultural activity among young people and their search for a new form of the Gospel presentation. Music appeared to be the best form of communication with young people.