
Finish experience presented at the EDUKACJA trade fair

30 march 2012
The workshops held all through the 3 trade fair days generated an avid interest

The workshops organised by the Central Region of Finland were attended by over 100 people

The workshops organised during the EDUKACJA trade fair by the Central Region of Finland were attended by over 100 people. The European education leaders shared their experience on, inter alia, university knowledge commercialisation, entrepreneurship initiation which should start as early as the kindergarten age and last until professional university or vocational education level as well as the forms utilised in order to attain these goals.

We are really glad with our time in Targi Kielce – said on of the speakers Rauli Sorvari from the EduCluster Business Network Jyväskylä Finlandia – we have cooperated with Poles for four years; we are satisfied and glad to see the cooperation develop and we still hope to make it even more avid. This is our first visit to trade fair centre and we hope to participate in the following year’s event and bring a larger group to EDUKACJA. It would be crucial for all of us to be here with speakers from other European countries.

The cooperation agreement between the Central Finland Region and the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship Marshal Office was concluded in 2008. Ever since then the Finish have visited our regions on numerous occasions and have organised workshops, conferences ans training sessions.