
First of this type in Poland

20 may 2013
Motor Spirit at the NECROEXPO 2013

Motor Spirit presented at its best for the first time et the NECROEXPO 2013

The MOTOR SPIRIT TOMASZ PODLASIAK has s special surprise for trade fair visitors to the NECROEXPO 2013. The Motor Spirit is based on Yamaha Drag Star 1100 CUSTOM of 2002 (the frame, engine and drive). A special side car designed for coffin transport has been attached to the side of the motor bike; USA and Canada have been the source of inspiration as they already have this type of motor bike hearses. The company provides its services first and foremost to funeral houses if they only wish to use the motor bike for their ceremony; the driver is also provided by the bike’s owner. The MOTOR SPIRIT’s offer also encompasses ceremonial transfer of the body within the area of Poland. A special capsule to comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards is being prepared especially for this purpose.

Join us and visit the company’s exhibition stand in Targi Kielce at the NECROEXPO held from 7th to 9th June 2013. The international Funeral and Cemetery Fair Necroexpo is famous for its fringe events. This year’s edition has brought together 100 exhibitors from home and abroad; however this is the only Europe’s indoor Stock Exchange of Luxurious Hearses and Electric Vehicles – this event has already been organised for the fourth time in Targi Kielce. Florists Presentations as well as a series of presentations and workshops devoted complement the programme.