
First Swietokrzyskie Debate on Economy

12 september 2011
Entrepreneurs v politicians in Targi Kielce

Świętokrzyskie - Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan has organised the first Swietokrzyskie Debate on Economy; the meeting is attended by representatives of the largest Poland’s companies and the party delegates from: PiS, PJN, PO, PSL, SLD.

The gala opening of the debate was hosted by Tomasz Tworek, President of Swietokrzyskie Board of Polish Confederation of Private Employers and Bartłomiej Zapała Radio Kielce speaker. The meeting participants are to be introduced into the problems of running a business in Poland.

The representatives of Poland’s largest companies; Dorbud, Dyckerhoff Polska, Aviva, Vive Textile Recykling, Kolporter Holding, Chemiplastyka, Kartel and many others are to express their opinions concerning bureaucracy and taxes. There will also be a discussion on problems of the region development from the perspective of Poland as the EU member state. The largest Polish political parties have, in addition to all the above, the chance to present economic aspects of their programmes and to collect feedback from the entrepreneurs.

The debate is attended by: Stanisław Gomółka (Obywatele do Senatu), Jerzy Jaskiernia (SLD), Marzena Okła-Drewnowicz (PO), Paweł Poncyliusz (PJN), Maria Zuba (PiS) and Piotr Żołądek (PSL). The back list of barriers and its main principles will be presented by Jacek Męcina PhD, the PKPP Lewiatan Expert. The questions for the main part of the debate have also been prepared by Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan expert; Jeremi Mordasewicz.

The event is organised under the auspices of: Gazeta Wyborcza, TVP KIELCE and Echo Dnia. The detailed programme of the debate available at: http://pkplewiatan.pl/kalendarium/2011/0/1/swietokrzyska_debata_gospodarcza_
