
For the spirit and the flesh

19 june 2013
Medals of Sacroexpo and Expositio 2013 have already been bestowed

SACROEXPO 2013 accolade winners

The gala awarding ceremony was held at the main stage in the trade fair’s outdoor exhibition area; at the ceremony the medals and distinction of the SACROEXPO and EXPOSITIO 2013 were presented. In addition to the regular prizes and distinction for the trade fair presentations and products, there were also extraordinary accolades. His Excellency Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski PhD - the President of Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers in conjunction with His Excellency Bishop Professor Kazimierz Ryczan; the Kielce Diocese Bishop Ordinarius also presented: the Honorary Medal of His Excellency Primate of Poland Archbishop Józef Kowalczyk, the Honorary Medal of His Excellency Kielce Diocese Bishop Kazimierz Ryczan. There was also thhe presentation of the Honorary Medal named after Fr Joseph Cardinal Glempt, the late Primate of Poland. The distinction of the Council for Culture and Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Polish Episcopal Conference MEDAL PER ARTEM AD EXCELSIS has also been bestowed for the first time.

The PER ARTEM AD DEUM Medal was also presented at this ceremony; His Excellency Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski PhD - the President of Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers, Bishop Marian Florczyk PhD – the President of President of the “Per Artem Ad Deum” MEDAL Contest Chapterand Mr Andrzej Mochoń Phd Targi Kielce President of Board handed this extraordinary distinction to Professor Stanisław Rodziński.

Congratulations to all the laureates. We are looking forwards to seeing you all at the 2014 edition of the SACROEXPO.