
Foundry Engineering is Clear!

12 september 2012
Multimedia exhibition at the METAL trade fair

Virtual and media presentation  of the Foundry Engineering Institute

What is the common denominator of action sports of extreme nature and foundry practice? What is in common for a foundry-man and a beekeeper? The multimedia exhibition “Foundry Engineering is Clear!” finds the answer to such unconventional questions. You can experience a different perspective on foundry engineering owing to the thermo vision camera and photography, interactive wall.

The exhibition is addressed at the general public, the viewers range from small children through parents to grand parents. It is designed to create a new impression about foundry engineering, to promote this beautiful, yet difficult and demanding profession

The ehhibition organiser – the Foundry Research Institute – as well as the exhibition sponsors cordially welcome to visit a mobile display showcasing the Foundry Engineering is Clear!