
Grono Targowe Kielce for young people

27 september 2011
Inauguration of Youth Entrepreneurship Incubator

The conference was attended by almost 100 participants

The Economic Chamber “Grono Targowe” Kielce (Kielce Trade Fairs Cluster) comes forward with help for young entrepreneurs. The conference to inaugurate the project of “Youth Entrepreneurship Incubator” has taken place today in Targi Kielce.

The project realised by Grono Targowe has been designed as a response to the changes in the labour market as well as to the increasing need of support young people who want to open up their own businesses need to be provided. The target group are young people who attend high schools as they are about entering the labour market soon; they are offered consultations provided by entrepreneurship specialists and business practitioners. The conference held in Targi Kielce encompassed the presentation of the Economic Chamber Grono Targowe Kielce President of Board Tadeusz Paczek on doing business; he demonstrated the idea of the meeting by saying: “During these classes we will try, basing on our knowledge, to pass on the spirit of entrepreneurship onto young people. […] The school which has no contact with business will never gain a proper status”. Other presentation in the conferences were delivered by Jacek Wołowiec; the Director of Świętokrzyskie Centre for Teachers’ Professional Development and Andrzej Mochoń Targi Kielce President of Board. Young people were also given the chance to listen to the representatives of voivodeship and local governments in addition to regional education board delegates. There was also a presentation delivered by polish Agency for Enterprise Development.

Young people who will be taking part in the activities organised within the framework of the project will become professionally ready (with respect to the essence and practice) to run their own companies. The classes will be run in the whole diversity of accessible forms including workshops, e-learning, apprenticeships. The innovative solution brought forward by the project creators are so called local bureaux of Youth Entrepreneurship Incubator located in vocational schools which take part in the project (10 offices). Pre-incubation which makes it possible to acquire the knowledge indispensable for each entrepreneur is based on giving young people possibility of running their own businesses; and this is another innovative solution which facilitates the didactic process. The e-platform is another substantial element of the project; young people do not need to leave home to take part training sessions or, via Internet, take part in distant-learning at their best convenience.

The project partners are: Świętokrzyskie Centre for Teachers’ Professional Development in Kielce, Integration and Development Association and the Foundation Centre of Local Europe.