
"Have a holiday in Poland" campaign
An online meeting was held on April 9 - this brought together Polish Tourist Organization and regional tourist organizations representatives. They all debated on the strategy designed to support Polish tourism in the current pandemic. The organizations’ representatives would like to launch a nationwide campaign. The campaign is a part of a wide-ranging promotional campaign designed to provide effective support for domestic tourism sector.
The campaign plans include the possibility to offer products in the way that a tourist can choose a dedicated offer which is a bespoke response to their needs. The invitation to cooperate within the campaign scope is an important issue - this invitation is extended to include the entire tourism business sector - accommodation, transport, catering and recreation bases included. Once these entities are activated, they will serve as a "flywheel" for the action.
The campaign will consist of several stages: information, activation and promotional campaign. Activities will focus on creating the "Have a holiday in Poland" website, information about the campaign will appear in the nationwide media. There will also be ambient activities - branded buses will appear in all Polish regions.
The campaign will include tourist guides, volunteers, influencers, bloggers, school milieus and other institutions, including local government units.