
Heading for Rome with Franciscans

21 june 2012
Great winners of the SACROEXPO lottery

One of the tickets sponsored by the Franciscan Travel Office Patron Travel has been presented to Fr Marek Małczęć from Stary Korczyn

The lottery drawings were held every day of the exhibition. This lottery has become a traditional element of the International Exhibition of Church Construction, Church Fittings and Furnishings and Religious Art SACROEXPO.

The lottery was addressed to the clergymen only and it generated a keen interest among them. The participation rules were simple; all it took was to write the name, surname, address and telephone number on a special coupon and then to slide it into a special urn available to the exhibition stand of the prize sponsor – Franciscan Tourist and Pilgrimage Office ”Patron Travel”.

This year’s winners of air-tickets to Rome: Fr. Robert Wawer from Warsaw, Fr. Andrzej Piłat from Jarocin, Fr. Jan Ścipniak from Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, Fr. Marek Małczęć from Stary Korczyn, Fr. Paweł Bul from Chorzow and Fr. Leszek Kołczyk from Sułoszowa.

Congratulations to all the winners. Those who have not had the luck on their side this year are most welcome to play the lottery in 2013.

In order to collect your prizes Mrs Beata Wentura-Dudek via telephone 41 365 14 09 or e-mail wentura.b@targikielce.pl.