
Heat Pump Forum - GLOBEnergia

06 march 2012
The meeting is hosted by eco-aficionado - Tomasz Zubilewicz; the TV presenter

Tomasz Zubilewicz – the host of TV show “Good Climates” is the moderator of the 5th Heat Pump Form

This is 5th edition of the event. The meeting which enjoys a very high attendance has been designed to give the audience the chance to meet experts on heat pumps. The forum which is held within the framework of the 10th Fair of Renewable Sources of Energy ENEX ENEX – Nowa Energia, has brought together a few dozens specialists from the heat-pumps business sector as well as inventors, local governments representatives and renewable energy sources aficionados.

The presentations are delivered in three sessions focusing on advice for investors, the issues of ground source heat pumps and to the appliances themselves. An air source heat pumps will be working during the forum.

The 5th Heat Pump Forum will finis with a discussion panel of experts.