
His Excellency Most Reverend Paisjusz

15 june 2011
Gorlice Bishop expressed his thanks to the exhibitors

His Excellency Most Reverend Paisjusz at SACROEXPO

The SACROEXPO fair hosted Polish orthodox bishop, the vicar of Przemyśl-Nowy Sącz diocese on the second day of the exhibition. It has been the forth visit of the bishop to the fair. Going around the exhibition the bishop demonstrated his delight with the exposition. He personally selected the companies which will be remembered owing to Kielce sacral trade fairs.

Bishop Paisjusz expressed his thanks to the following companies;Artgeargies, Fischer, Ikony Bizantyjskie, The Publishing House of St.. Wojciech, Ludwisarnia Felczyńskich-Taciszów as well as the photographer Antoni Myśliwiec, Jacek Dubiel, the Deputy President of Targi Kielce Mrs Bożena Staniak and the Director for Trade Fairs Mr Dariusz Michalak.