
His Excellency Paisjusz pays a visit to SACROEXPO 2013

19 june 2013
His Excellency Most Reverend Paisjusz, the Gorlice Bishop of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church bestowed the accolades

Laureates of the distinctions presented by His Excellency Most Reverend Paisjusz, the Gorlice Bishop of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church

The presence of HE Paisjusz – the Bishop and the Vicar general of Przemyśl-Nowy Sącz Diocese added further splendour to the SACROEXPO. His Excellency commended ten companies; during HE Paisjusz’s visit to the Expo the laureates were presented the letter of commendation. Among distinction winners there are: Serpone Polska, Haftina, Fischer, Ekklesia, Ludwisarnia Felczyńskich(Bell-foundry), Zlotavest. Bishop Paisjusz highlighted the fact that the companies which have been granted with the distinction deserve recognition for their corporate social responsibility.

Deputy Mayor of Kielce Czesław Gruszewski expressed his gratitude for the service and support in dissemination of the idea of unity provided by His Excellency.