
Holy Land pilgrimages – meet the winners

19 june 2013
Great prizes at he grand SACROEXPO lottery

Father Stanisław Pilch of Gierczyce is one of the winners

The lottery has already become the tradition of the International Exhibition of Church Construction, Church Fittings and Furnishings and Religious Art SACROEXPO. The prize drawing was held on all three days of the Expo

The competition was addressed to the clergymen only; and it generated a keen interest among them. The participation rules were simple; all it took was to write the name, surname, address and telephone number on a special coupon and then to drop it into a special urn available to the exhibition stand of the prize sponsor – the Franciscan Travel and Pilgrimage Office “Patron Travel”.

This year’s winners who got tickets to the Holly Land are: Fr Marek Szumilas of Kotrąb, Fr Krzysztof Tryk of Połańiec and fr Stanisław Pilch of Gierczyce.

Congratulations to all the winners. If you have not been lucky enough to win the proze, come over next year and win the ticket in 2014.