
“I love, I like, I respect, I do not harm”

23 november 2011
A great White Ribbon campaign with Vive Targi Kielce


The yellow-white-blue team players have become actively involved in the Kielce edition of the campaign. On 30th November, just before the mach with Neilba Wągrowiec, the Vive Targi Kielce team members will have their warm-up wearing T-shirts with the words “I love, I like, I respect, I do not harm” on them; the sports fans who come to see the match will be presented with traditional white ribbons.

The anti-violence campaign was initiated by men in Canada, its objective is to make men actively involved in counteraction against violence affecting women. A white ribbon is the symbol of men’s obligation to speak out against as well as to refrain from all forms of violence against women.

In Kielce the campaign always starts on 25th November and finishes on 6th December; these dates take us back to historical incidents which occurred in Dominicana and Canada. In these days the campaign organisers encourage men to accept and wear a white ribbon and thus manifest their opposition against violence. This is also way the organisers address all the people of significance so that they would support the campaign with their authority. This year the campaign organisers want to highlight the problems of psycho-social as well as heath consequences of violence in a family; that is why the Kielce White Ribbon Campaign is inaugurated wit a scientific conference devoted to these problems.

The honorary patronage to the 2011 edition of the campaign has been granted by Wojciech Lubawski Kielce City Mayor, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. The campaign partners are: the Municipal Centre for Family Support in Kielce, the Specialised Support Centre for Family Violence Victims in Kielce, the Corrective-Educational Centre for Family Members who Inflict Violence (the initiator of campaign idea in Poland), the GPPPwR Coordinator, the Chairman alongside with the members of the Interdisciplinary Team for Family Violence Counteraction, the Realises of Communal Programme for Family Violence Counteraction.

The campaign organisers, following the example of previous years, have invited the local media to join in, and these include: Radio Kielce, Kielecki Tygodnik Radiowy Kielce Plus, Radio Kielce Plus, Echo Dnia daily, the Internet Portal 24/7: www.echodnia.eu, Gazeta Wyborcza daily, TV Nowa Kielce, Kielce Internet Television and the VIVE Targi KIELCE sport club.