
Image, sales or communication? What is the best marketing strategy for an accounting firm?

26 september 2024
Like many other small and medium-sized enterprises, accounting offices want to be present in the public space. Wiktor Krasa, Jacek Wojtachnio and Matt Kosmaczewski talked about how to define a marketing strategy tailored to their needs properly. That was one of the panels at MKBR

A good marketing strategy, according to all experts, must be tailored to a specific client and company. – To whom we direct our product and service advertising is very important. Reaching 100,000 recipients, most of whom will not be interested in the product offered, is not rocket science. It is important to define your target group well and direct appropriate content – said Jacek Wojtachnio, owner of Webra Business Marketing. From the client's perspective, it is crucial to determine what type of strategy they want to choose. We will conduct our activities differently in terms of image, sales, and communication. It is important to define the goal of your actions correctly, that is, what we want to achieve and when we want to do it. Then it is much easier to prepare an appropriate strategy that will help you achieve these goals – added Wiktor Krasa, lecturer and vice-rector for the quality of education at the Academy of Applied Sciences named after profe Edward Lipiński in Kielce. Business strategy largely determines a company's marketing strategy and is also related to the values guiding a given company. – The appropriately selected strategy can minimize losses and, colloquially speaking, not burn through the budget. This is often crucial for small and medium-sized enterprises, such as Matt Kosmaczewski, designer of brand strategies and marketing processes, at the MKBR panel.

Due to the small number of employees, SME companies often decide to hire external partners. – When deciding to do so, it is worth starting with short-term cooperation and evaluation of the results, and if they are satisfactory, think about a longer agreement – Jacek Wojtachnio recapitulated.


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