
In recognition of defence knowledge dissemination

07 september 2011
Kielce University of Technology receives accolade at MSPO

Kielce University of Technology is also present at the Defence Exhibition welcoming their guests at the D-38 exhibition stand

Technical university from Kielce has been awarded by Towarzystwo Wiedzy Obronnej (Association for Defence Knowledge) for the dissemination of knowledge on defence issues.

During the award presentation ceremony Professor Stanisław Adamczak, Rector of Kielce University of Technology quoted the names of branches of study related to defence – We have the Chair of Computer Technology and Armament, we also offer post-graduate course in defence. The problem of defence is an always up-to-date issue; although we fortunate to live in the period of peace, we still have our army taking part in the war in Afghanistan – said Rector Adamczak.

Kielce University of Technology (PSK) has established a close cooperation with Tarnów Mechanical Works which produce military equipment used by the army. Concrete projects have been created owing to this cooperation and the University wishes to form a consortium with the Works. There are also strong bonds of PSK with Polish military universities – In a few days the academic who works at “Szkoła Orląt in Dęblin will be defending his Doctoral Thesis – says professor, Zbigniew Koruba the head of the Chair of Computer Technology and Armament at PSK.

The distinction awarded by Association for Defence Knowledge was collected by Professor Stanisław Adamczak and Grzegorz Słoń PhD, the Director of Life Long Learning Centre at Kielce University of Technology.