
Innovative technological solutions

09 june 2011
EDURA commences

Companies from all over Europe present fire protection and rescue techniques novelties at the exhibition in Kielce

The PROTEUS turned out to be a true innovation presented at the EDURA fair; the exhibition which has been launched today in Targi Kielce. This state of the art, integrated system has been designed for anti-terrorist actions and crisis management. The technical and operational requirements set down for crewless aeroplanes, wearable sensor sets, mobile robot simulators as well as a mobile centre for robot management have been defined in cooperation with the future users. The appliances are dedicated to work in goafs and rubbles as well as in the areas of contamination. The system capacities will be utilised by Fire Services, the Police, crisis management centres and crisis response teams.

The exhibition also showcases the latest model of the alarm control unit with the possibility of a built-in radiotelephone installation. The appliance is adapted to operate digital alarm buzzers and to cooperate with a PC. Easy to use, PC compatible, a keyboard lock function; these are the main advantages of the CA-3000 model.

The exhibition encompasses; fire fighting and fire control engines, special fire protection vehicles, personal protection equipment and outfits for fire fighters, fire protection equipment and technical appliances, fire extinguishing agents, rescue operation equipment, means of communication, technical equipment for dispatching stations, means of collective protection and personal protective equipment, logistic back-up and logistics for rescue operations. Every year the exhibition attracts thousands of visitors.