
International Seminar of Security Supply

17 august 2011
…at the International Defence Industry Fair in Kielce on 5.-6. September 2011


It is expected that approximately 100 participants will take part in the seminar; and they will be the representatives of the EDA member states (European Defence Agency) and Norway as well as the European institutions and industry. In the course of the seminar held on the second day of the International Defence Industry Fair there will be presentations delivered by Polish and international government and industry representatives, together with panellists from international organisations and defence industry associations.

The Seminar comprises two panels:
  • Current experiences in work on security of supply
  • The possibilities for further activity in ensuring security of supply
The main organiser of the event is Armament Policy Department of the Ministry of National Defence with the methodological assistance of the European Defence Agency.

More information on http://pl2011.eu/content/seminarium-nt-bezpieczenstwa-dostaw.